Web Design

30 10, 2018

Why Website Maintenance is Crucial for Your Website

By |2019-02-27T05:41:44+00:00October 30th, 2018|Security, Web Design|Comments Off on Why Website Maintenance is Crucial for Your Website

We are coming to the end of Cyber Security Month, which aims to raise awareness about the importance of cyber security and being safe online. If you’re a website owner, keeping your online presence secure and up to date should be a major priority. Avoiding website maintenance is like not having regular oil changes and [...]

16 01, 2018

Website and Digital Marketing Trends for 2018

By |2024-11-06T05:19:27+00:00January 16th, 2018|Security, SEO, Web Design|0 Comments

The online space is becoming more competitive by the day and for your business to get ahead in 2018 you need to embrace the latest trends. The old saying of "Do what you've always done" is becoming as outdated as the companies who still follow it. Just ask Blockbuster, Kodak and Alta Vista. When [...]

1 06, 2017

Are you investing in your website?

By |2017-06-01T04:51:36+00:00June 1st, 2017|Web Design|0 Comments

A website has become the most important tool for a business. So it makes sense that you are continually investing in this asset. And with the end of financial year fast approaching, now is the perfect time to take a look at the health of your online presence. This can be done simply by asking yourself the following [...]

15 01, 2017

8 core principles every website should embrace

By |2024-07-04T05:54:41+00:00January 15th, 2017|Web Design|0 Comments

To take a quote from another page on our site, "A website is usually the first glimpse a prospective client has of your business. So it must be easy to use, enhance your brand credibility and most importantly, generate sales." In this article, we will go into the main features a website simply must [...]

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