[ tuh-meh-ri-tee ]
noun – the confidence to act boldly

Your web presence strongly determines whether your business is a success or not. Therefore as a brand you must act boldly to get exposure online and help potential customers hear  your voice.

Your voice is what differentiates you from other brands, and influences people to choose your business over the competition. It should be authentic, respectful and make an impact.

We work with you to help unleash your uniqueness, and implement a range of bold strategies to increase the exposure of your brand and help it resonate with more prospects.

What’s been happening at Temerity Digital lately.

185 Posts

Temerity Digital

Helping your brand build trust, traffic and traction, through tried and true transparent techniques.

Before we take on an SEO client, I always manually look over their website and make sure the messaging and branding is optimal. There's no point investing our teams' resources (and the clients' money) to rank the website high in Google and start receiving increased targeted traffic, if this traffic doesn't convert into new prospects and customers. So recently when I saw the logo of one our new SEO clients, I had to tell him what I thought of it. Quite frankly it was bloody awful! Thankfully he agreed, and also agreed for our team to develop a new logo. When we start sending the website lots of new potential customers, hopefully now they aren't turned off before they even start scrolling! Over the summer, I encourage everyone to take a look at their branding and messaging, and see what improvements could be made. A couple of small tweaks could make a BIG difference. 
#temeritydigital #seo #smallbusiness #logodesign #branding
Ready to tackle another day...
If you want a return on investment, you need to invest.
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Simple changes around the office can create a more welcoming and professional environment, greatly enhancing your staff’s happiness, morale and productivity.
Find out on our blog - link in our bio.
A website is usually the first glimpse a prospective client has of your business. So it must be user friendly, enticing and credible.
Are your web pages setup optimally from a conversion perspective? How do you know?
Does anyone in your office do this? 😄
Don't leave visitors guessing - guide them towards the actions you want them to take.
A simple and cohesive website layout is more user friendly and helps potential customers take the right journey, maximising your change of a conversion.
Just like the fine china at your grandparents house, a neglected website just sits there gathering dust.
When you copy a password from one computer and try to paste it onto another computer, you know you're done for the week! #digitalfail
If you don't have a Care Plan in place to manage your website, you also won't have peace of mind.